On Demand Webinar: How to Stay Positive Under Pressure

Join Kieran Bird to learn fourteen techniques to maintain a positive, happy mental state. These are based on the latest research and includes some breakthrough concepts and tools.

Key takeaways:
  • Exercise – the benefits of NEAT and HIIT
  • Eat Well – the startling benefits of intermittent fasting aka the 5+2 diet
  • Get adequate rest – get more sunshine and less blue light
  • The considerable benefits of visualising positive outcomes
  • The overwhelming evidence of the physical and mental benefits of meditation
  • Why telling yourself ‘I am responsible’ in a crisis is calming and empowering
  • Why and how making daily positive affirmations works well for most people
  • Creating positive, neural pathways through playing the game of ‘Anxiety Mint’
  • The irrefutable logic of spending time with positive people
  • Keep a gratitude journal
  • Read or listen to positive, motivational material
  • Work your goals daily
  • Feel good about the way you look
  • Exercise self-discipline.
Meet the presenter 
Kieran Bird
Kieran is a professional speaker and trainer who contracts to William Buck. Following 18 years working in the USA, Canada and the UK, Kieran returned to New Zealand in 2010. He then worked for 3 years with the New Zealand Institute of Management (now IMNZ) creating and running workshops on soft skills including negotiation, communication and presentation skills. He is the author of Unshakeable Self-Confidence (2018).
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